Friday, November 29, 2013

Day 29/365 I'll drink to that

Still working on SOOC. The only thing I did to this photo was to clean up a couple spots on the table that I didn't notice as I took the picture. A couple of gin and tonics with ice-cycles.

CC welcome

Metadata: Flash, ISO 200, F2.8, 1/200, 35mm

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Day 28/365 SOOC

Happy Thanksgiving!

I decided I need to start practicing SOOC. Get the exposure and focus right, in the camera. Taking a picture of a cozy, wood burning fire, is something I haven't done yet. As I approached the fire, I realized just how hot the huge flames were. I had my 17-35mm on, so I went with it. The screen was across the opening, so I focused on the slit where the screen wasn't, then down on the coals. I'm not sure how to make a person's eye go toward that. Any suggestions are welcome.

CC welcome

Metadata: 35mm, ISO500, F2.8, 1/100

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Day 27/365 Surprise visit

Visiting some friends and low and behold, some deer friends came by for a surprise visit. Well, a surprise to me. This is when I wish I had a good telephoto lens instead of short and wide angle. Bummer. It was dusk, and not very bright out, so it has a lot of noise. You can tell the lower one was shot 2nd as it was darker out and looks a little colder and more blue for white balance. I was just thrilled to be so close to these pretty does.

CC welcome
Metadata:105mm, ISO1600, F3.5, 1/40

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Day 26/365 Reflection

This was taken a couple months ago, but I had to share since I won't be able to get a shot today. One of my favorite reflection shots of this little girl at her 5th bday with Rapunzel/Tangled as the special guest of honor. The little girl had just gotten her face painted and Rapunzel showed her what she now looked like. By the look in the mirror, I'd say she loved it. What do you think?

CC welcome

Metadata:30mm, ISO640, f4.5, 1/50

Monday, November 25, 2013

Day 25/365 Bubble

This was my mom's idea. I was trying to use my daughter's bubbles, but alas, I was unable to find where they stash their supply. This was from dish soap and the focal point was the colors that bubbles have on them. Amazing how it swirls as the bubbles get ready to pop. Once the girls get home, I'll be sure to ask and hopefully try this again.

CC welcome.

Metadata: 105mm, ISO640, 1/80, F4.2

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Day 24/365 -Technology

Prov. 3:5-6 - Trust in the Lord with all your heart...
No matter if you read it from the Bible or newer technology, the Bible app. It's something I need to remind myself on a daily basis.

CC welcome

Metadata: Bible - 105mm, ISO400, F3.2, 1/200
iPhone - 105mm, ISO400, F3.2, 1/100

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Day 23/365 - What do you think?

I finally bought some incense - who knew that Kroger has it in the candle isle? If you try this, DEFINITELY do it in a place that has ventilation. I set up mine in the garage (door down) and ended up with an enormous headache. Please learn from my mistake :)

SO, this was created by two photos of incense smoke. I have had fun creating images from smoke. I'll share my favorite creation another day. Let's see what your guesses are to what I created it to be. The shapes reminded me of something...what do you think? Hint: the horizontal smoke is water

CC welcome
Metadata: 26mm, ISO 160, F8, 1/200

Friday, November 22, 2013

Day 22/365 - Negative space

Normally, I have people as my subject and use the environment for negative space. This is actually SOOC. The vignetting was created by using a toilet paper roll placed on the lens. Looks almost like a spotlight, which is why I centered it. What do you think? Centered or not?

CC welcome

Metadata: 26mm, ISO 160, F2.8, 1/800

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Day 21/365 - Star Bokeh

It took me a while to set up for this one. I created both the heart and star cover for the lens. I was unable to get the heart to produce the bokeh - I may try that again a different day. The star, however, was much more successful - although I found that the shape automatically creates a dark vignette and so I had to make sure to leave plenty of space on the edges so the subject wasn't too dark. Being at home while the kids are at school, means that I don't have a model for my 365 challenge...oh, wait! The dog! Zoe was happy to comply, especially when she saw the dog treat bag come out. This is her "shame on you" command, where she puts her chin on the ground like she's in trouble/pouting.
Click here for the setup

CC welcome
Metadata: 50mm, F2.2, ISO800, 1/40

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Day 20/365 Erase it

This isn't exactly a photo challenge pic - but a Photoshop challenge instead. Pretty cool in the digital world, that you can change or erase anything you choose. Here's a selfie to show it.
Check out the Photoshop disasters, they are pretty fun to look through and many sites that show more.

CC welcome
Metadata: 20mm, ISO-200, F9, 1/200 (with flash)

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Day 19/365 - Light Focal point

I took this the other day when I posted "Smoke Creature" - I intended to get the cigarette as it fizzed out in the Sunkist, but didn't get it. This was taken before it was dropped.
For this pic, I was working on focusing the light on one clear object, the glass of liquid. In order to do this, I used my speedlight off camera and taped a piece of construction paper around it so the flash would be concentrated and not light up the black backdrop as well. I like how the lighting came out on the cup, but not happy with the overexposed cigarette...what do you think?
I still need to find some incense to try the smoke again.

CC welcome
Metadata: 35mm, ISO 500, F8, 1/200

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Day 18/365 -Zentangle

What in the world is Zentangle you ask? It's an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. Click here to learn more about Zentangle

My parents are here for a visit, and this is a new art that my mother and niece are learning together. My girls love crafts, so she thought this would be a fun afternoon activity. We were all mesmerized and spent a couple hours at the kitchen table creating patterns. This is one I came up with -along with the title of the book my mother brought.

CC welcome

Metadata: 35mm, ISO800, F 2.8, 1/50

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Day 17/365 -Light Painting

On July 4, my family did some experimenting with sparklers. You can't turn off sparklers to make separate letters -so it took 3 people to create this.

SO, last night I used a flashlight on the side of my house. It took many attempts to keep my letters from overlapping, showing up too bright (or not enough) based on how fast I moved the light. I had so much fun, that my daughter wanted her try, thus, having two pictures. One I did, my name, and the heart, my daughter did. I encourage you to try this.

CC welcome

Metadata: 24mm, ISO 800, F4, SS 15 seconds

Day 16/365 - Perspective

Looking through other people's blogs on this project has become a fun past time. Ideas that we are coming up with have been great. People have been posting their kids playing with their toys. Here is a new perspective on that. My daughter with her dollhouse. The hardest part was to get the picture without her blinking. I had a remote speedlight on the outside of the dollhouse to illuminate her.

CC welcome

Metadata: 22mm, ISO 250, F4, 1/200

Friday, November 15, 2013

Day 15/365 - Smoke Creature??

I have completed a first. This is the first time I have EVER tried taking a picture of smoke. I gotta admit. It was fun. Next time I see incense, at the mall, it will definitely be a purchase to make. First, taking smoke was on our 365 day challenge by another photographer so it became something to add to my list, and glad I saw it. Instead of just smoke, however, creativity became a key - how could smoke be used? There are numerous ways to use it in a photo realistically, but I opted to make a smoke creature instead.

This will be something I continue to play with in the future. Very fun. By the way, I found this link and it took me step by step how to set this up. You might want to try it yourself.

CC welcome
Metadata: Smoke - ISO 200, F8, 35mm w/external flash (set up explained in above link)

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Day 14/365 Texture

Today I had a hard time coming up with something I haven't already done. THEN, what I wanted to do required a sunset, thus, a late post. I opted to use a type of decorative grass as the texture to play with. I wish the sunset was more colorful tonight, alas, it didn't cooperate. The twilight hour is always beautiful so here's my texture for the day. I may try to make it look more glowing

CC welcome

Metadata: ISO 500, 1/640, F3.5, 25mm

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Day 13/365 Drop off shadows

First, thank you to all that have been taking a look at my blog and giving constructive criticism (CC). I appreciate it and use it. Its amazing how much better we all can be when we help each other and listen to the suggestions.

Today I wanted to play with natural lighting and use it to create drop off shadows. I really didn't know what to take a picture of, then I remembered the desert I made for church for this evening. I don't normally make things like this, so it was nice that it turned out well enough to take a photo of it. :)

CC welcome and encouraged
Metadata:50mm prime, ISO250, 1/4000, F1.8

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Day12/365 Macro

Today I decided to use my 105mm macro lens and work on using it without a tripod. Work on slow breathing and steadying myself, using the techniques I've read about on
so many blogs and websites. Using my arms and body as the tripod itself. I gotta say, when you're focused on something with a macro, the slightest movement can make it go out of focus.
Not only the side to side movement, but the front to back movement as well. Concentrating on it, I began to feel my body move and found that as soon as I got the subject in focus I had to quickly take it, otherwise I couldn't hold it long enough.

Originally, I was going to take a picture of our first snowfall, but found I liked this picture better. A combination of evergreen with a cold feeling, yet the fall color blurred in the background. Seems like an odd combination to me.

CC welcome
Metadata: 105mm, ISO 200, F.4.5, 1/160

Monday, November 11, 2013

Day 11/365 - Bokeh

I am truly loving this 365 day project...ask me again at the end of the year, I know. Today I wanted to work on two things. First, I want to work on making objects that sparkle, actually look sparkly. Thus, the nail polish. Second, I wanted to work on bokeh. I still plan to work on this more in the future as I think it looks gorgeous in pictures and makes a wonderful background. Today I used some sparkly red butterflies that belong to my daughter, added a flash, and managed to get it after a few tries. I really like how it came out. I will plan to do this with clients once I've mastered it.

CC welcome

105mm, F6.3, 1/30, ISO640

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Day 10/365 - Therapy Dog

I am thankful for my family. Immediate and extended. I have been blessed in this way. Part of our family, for 4 1/2 years now is our dog, Zoe. Even though she's a dog, she seems to understand us and can communicate with us in her own way. Yesterday she wasn't feeling well. We knew it. Thankfully, today she's back to her playful, normal self. Zoe is a therapy dog for Mid-Michigan Therapy dogs (Angels with paws). Not only does she see children every Friday at a nearby elementary school, go to the local hospital 2 to 3 times per month, but she provides therapy for my children at home. If you have been following my blog, you would have seen on day 1, my oldest had foot surgery. This is a picture taken that weekend of Zoe providing her therapy to my daughter. Zoe sat with her all day.

CC welcome

Metadata: 26mm, ISO640, F2.8, 1/125

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Day 9/365 - Laugh

I had the opportunity to take some family photos for some fun people today. I loved that they made the shoot fun. They like to laugh and had the attitude of "just go with it".
Honestly, if MORE people had this attitude instead of being worried about their imperfections, they would definitely like their pictures better. Something to remember - if you have
fun, it really does show through in the photos.

Here is one that is a perfect example of what I mean.
CC welcome

Metadata: IS0 500, 1/125, F3.2

Friday, November 8, 2013

Day 8/365 - Starburst

I've never been able to get my pictures to have a brilliant sun. I always knew it was possible w/o using Photoshop, so today's challenge was to get it right. This is taken through the hole in the back of a kiddie chair.

Metadata: 35mm, ISO100, f20, 1/160

CC welcome

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Day 7/365 - "Love" of knitting

Today I'm playing with shadows of a different type. I feel I should explain this photo as not too many people my age knit. This time of year I tend to do more crafts and knitting as the Christmas season is upon us shortly.

The object creating the shadow for the "L" is a gauge used in the crocheting/knitting world to determine if your finished project will be the correct size. Below the yarn, are knitting needles.

CC welcome

Metadata: 26mm ,ISO 500, F5, 1/200

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Day 6/365 - Youngest

I wanted to take pictures of my older daughter, but alas, she had homework to complete. SO, you get to see my 7 year old's face instead of silhouette this time.

This was lit by a camping lantern and done last night, actually. I want to improve my low lighting photos and really like to master hard vs. soft shadows.

Metadata: ISO 800, 28mm, F 2.8, 1/25
CC welcome and encouraged

Monday, November 4, 2013

Day 5/365 - My youngest

I'm thankful for my two daughters. They are the reason I get up in the mornings- literally :)
They make me smile, laugh, frustrated & mad - but I can't imagine my life without them.
This is my youngest's, age 7, silhouette.

I need your help...which do you like? BW or color? Whole body or cropped? CC welcome

These are SOOC but added black vignette.
50mm Prime (LOVE that lens),ISO 500, F2.2, 1/100

4/365 - Friends, Family and Food

I thought I'd make today about Friends, Family and Food. I have been unbelievably blessed with great friends and family. Food, plenty here in the good US of A.
Yesterday, my family celebrated a friend's birthday (shout out to Tony) and I made my mother-in-law's recipe for a scrumptious homemade dutch apple pie.
As I was taking photos, trying to keep creativity in mind, this is what I came up with. The same metadata was used for both shots.

A before baking/after baking shot - notice how much the apples bake down.
Metadata: Prime 50mm, ISO 125 (w/external flash), ss 1/200, F3.5
CC welcome

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Day 3 - Water

Every morning before I make school lunches, I feed and give water to our dog. Many times I think about how other countries don't have enough water to drink and my dog gets fresh water daily. We are so fortunate to live where there is enough food to eat and water to drink. For the 365 challenge I decided to try my hand at moving/dripping water. For this I requested the help of one of my kids to make the water drip from their hand to the glass.

Metadata: 50mm Prime, ISO-100, F 3.2, 1/40

CC Welcome

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Day 2 - Thankful for Seasons

Even though I do not appreciate the cold weather here in Michigan, I DO appreciate getting to experience the four seasons. I have friends and family in the warmer climates, and although warmer is probably something I'd prefer, I would DEFINITELY miss the fall colors. We are now at the end of our colorful season and my backyard trees are almost bare, so I decided to capture the last few leaves hanging on for dear life.

Metadata: 105mm Prime, ISO 100, 1/200, F3.2

Constructive Criticism Welcome.

Friday, November 1, 2013

365 - Day 1

Today is Day 1 of the 365 day project. It started off with a bang this morning at 7:45am with my daughter's foot surgery. Normally, I would take pictures with my phone, but since this is a "Challenge", I decided I need to start bringing my "good camera" where ever I go. You never know when you're going to run into the shot of the day. This picture is taken pre-op after her IV was put in. I'm glad I'm doing this, b/c a photo with the phone would just be of her looking at me on the gurney. Today, however, I tried to look for a more interesting angle.

My Metadata: Focal length 35mm, 1/80, ISO-640, f/8 - this turned out a little dark, so I edited to add a little light - I didn't want to use a higher Aperature b/c then my daughter's face looking up at me would have been too blurry. In this case I prefer the edit over SOOC (Straight Out Of the Camera).

Thank you for checking out my photo. Let me know what you think.