Sunday, December 22, 2013

Day 52/365 ICE storm

SO, if you haven't seen or heard - Mid-Michigan was slammed with an ice storm last night. Trees down, power outages, generators going and hotels filling up. We had planned to leave town for the holidays and decided to post-pone it due to the conditions. Since we had a late departure, I took the opportunity to take photos around my house. I can't just pick one - so here are a few of my favorites.

CC welcome

Metadata: 105mm, ISO500, F/4, 1/400


Unknown said...

Oh, Molly! These are lovely!!!

MNoePhotography said...

Thank you Lori - BUT I still prefer the lovely sunshine you have :)

Amy Marten Photography said...

These are great!! I love how the leaf is completely covered in ice and the details in all the shots :)

MNoePhotography said...

Thank you Amy - I thought it was amazing how the ice was all the way around the leaf - not just the top OR bottom.