Sunday, June 29, 2014

235,236/365 Two A Day

I HAVE been taking pictures, I just had lousy internet and couldn't post. I am now back from vacation and have a few days to get caught up on. Instead of posting all the pictures at once, I thought I'd post 2 pictures a day until I'm officially caught up. My hubby and I went to West Virginia (left the kids with my in-laws in OH) and did a bit of hiking and fly-fishing.

CC welcome

Fish - This is a rainbow trout. My hubby tied the fly himself so he was happy I managed to get the shot showing it. (105mm, ISO400, 1/320, F7.1)

Feather - MACRO - a feather I found in the rocks as I took pictures of my man fishing. (105mm, ISO200, 1/400, F4.2)

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