Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Day 66/365 Frozen Bubbles

I'm really excited about this one. I've been waiting to try this, and now we have ridiculously low temperatures, I thought I'd give it a shot. Frozen bubbles. The first time was unsuccessful due to wind that kept popping the bubbles. I don't give up that easily, so I tried again - this time, I was much more successful. The first one is my favorite, but thought I'd post the ones that came out.
I tried to get numerous bubbles in a row to create DOF (Depth of Field) with blurry bubbles in the background, but the wind got in the way again and wouldn't allow it. I can always try again another day - when my hands thaw.

CC welcome
Metadata: 105mm, ISO640, 1/200, F7.1


Norm said...

These are great pictures. I'm glad these temps have been good for something.

MNoePhotography said...

Thank you Norm - ...if given lemons, make lemonade, right? :)

Norm said...

On the second photo it looks like someone's eye in the background - is it?

MNoePhotography said...

No, the 2nd photo is taken on a pot I have outside with brick in the background.

♥ 蕃茄 ♥ said...

that's awesome! i wished my weather here (GA) is cold enough to create a frozen bubble...and my freezer is pretty filled to accommodate some bubbles LOL.
Nice! i love it!