Thursday, July 3, 2014

243/365 Thistle

This was taken with an iphone camera along one of our hikes.

CC welcome
Metadata: ISO50, 1/198, F2.8, 4mm


Norm said...

Like you, I am a bit behind in looking at your pictures. Too much to do in the summer. I really like this picture of the butterfly and the flower. It amazes me that this was taken with your iPhone - the clarity and focus are really good. I was wondering if you've ever wandered around the cemetery on the other side of Perry Road up towards the barn you went to. Lots of GB history there and lots of really old stones. I'm not a photographer but the way the stones are weathered always draws my eye.

MNoePhotography said...

This was a clear photo, but I did enhance a little more in photoshop just to give the thistles more of a pop of sharpness. I do know what cemetery you are talking of, but never walked over there. I'll have to take a look - thanks for the idea