Saturday, December 21, 2013

Day 51/365 A New Type of Growth Chart

To all those people out there ready to have babies. I must say, this was one of the things that I am most glad I did with my girls. A new type of growth chart. My hubby and I had just purchased a new recliner and thought to use it to see how our daughter would change in the years to come. For the first year of my daughter's life, I took a picture of her every month. Then, after a year, took a picture every 6 months until she was 3. From then on, I take a picture of them on, or around their birthday and it has been fun to see the changes. My template didn't have enough room to do the whole year plus the current picture, but it should give you a good idea of how I did it. I hope you like it and think to do something like this for your new one(s) to come. Unfortunately, the picture is pretty small - on each of the pictures, I used the Text tool and typed in the age of my daughter at the time. Hope you like it!

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Jess said...

I love this! I have been doing something very similar with my kids (starting with weekly pictures when they were young and spacing them out as they got older), and I remember thinking "I'll probably only do it until they're 5" mostly because I just couldn't fathom having a child older than that. But now I have a 5 year old and there's no way I'm not taking another picture at 6 years. How old is your daughter now? She was such a cute baby!!

MNoePhotography said...

My oldest is 10 (bottom right pic) - once my girls could hold up their fingers of their age, I did that instead of the text on the picture.
You won't regret it. Just keep all of them in one folder so you can go through them without going from year to year searching for it. :)