Sunday, November 10, 2013

Day 10/365 - Therapy Dog

I am thankful for my family. Immediate and extended. I have been blessed in this way. Part of our family, for 4 1/2 years now is our dog, Zoe. Even though she's a dog, she seems to understand us and can communicate with us in her own way. Yesterday she wasn't feeling well. We knew it. Thankfully, today she's back to her playful, normal self. Zoe is a therapy dog for Mid-Michigan Therapy dogs (Angels with paws). Not only does she see children every Friday at a nearby elementary school, go to the local hospital 2 to 3 times per month, but she provides therapy for my children at home. If you have been following my blog, you would have seen on day 1, my oldest had foot surgery. This is a picture taken that weekend of Zoe providing her therapy to my daughter. Zoe sat with her all day.

CC welcome

Metadata: 26mm, ISO640, F2.8, 1/125


CherylAnn said...

I love how you described the story behind the photo! It really makes it come alive.

Unknown said...

This is SUCH a cool shot. Love your focus on the pup! As for your pic, I wouldn't change a thing - great composition, exposure is perfect, the slight vignetting isn't obvious, but draws your eye, it's sharp and has great contrast... I love this!

MNoePhotography said...

Zoe is such a great dog. I wish she could live forever. She really loves being with "her people"