Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Day 19/365 - Light Focal point

I took this the other day when I posted "Smoke Creature" - I intended to get the cigarette as it fizzed out in the Sunkist, but didn't get it. This was taken before it was dropped.
For this pic, I was working on focusing the light on one clear object, the glass of liquid. In order to do this, I used my speedlight off camera and taped a piece of construction paper around it so the flash would be concentrated and not light up the black backdrop as well. I like how the lighting came out on the cup, but not happy with the overexposed cigarette...what do you think?
I still need to find some incense to try the smoke again.

CC welcome
Metadata: 35mm, ISO 500, F8, 1/200

1 comment:

Missy said...

Oh wow I never thought before how hard it might be to capture smoke....this looks really cool!!