Monday, November 11, 2013

Day 11/365 - Bokeh

I am truly loving this 365 day project...ask me again at the end of the year, I know. Today I wanted to work on two things. First, I want to work on making objects that sparkle, actually look sparkly. Thus, the nail polish. Second, I wanted to work on bokeh. I still plan to work on this more in the future as I think it looks gorgeous in pictures and makes a wonderful background. Today I used some sparkly red butterflies that belong to my daughter, added a flash, and managed to get it after a few tries. I really like how it came out. I will plan to do this with clients once I've mastered it.

CC welcome

105mm, F6.3, 1/30, ISO640

1 comment:

Unknown said...

oooh! I LOVE this. awesome shot.

I too, need to work on these things. I am new at all of this. I feel like I luck out more with my photos when they turn out awesome. I need to know what I am actually doing. Love this shot, so gorgeous!