Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Day12/365 Macro

Today I decided to use my 105mm macro lens and work on using it without a tripod. Work on slow breathing and steadying myself, using the techniques I've read about on
so many blogs and websites. Using my arms and body as the tripod itself. I gotta say, when you're focused on something with a macro, the slightest movement can make it go out of focus.
Not only the side to side movement, but the front to back movement as well. Concentrating on it, I began to feel my body move and found that as soon as I got the subject in focus I had to quickly take it, otherwise I couldn't hold it long enough.

Originally, I was going to take a picture of our first snowfall, but found I liked this picture better. A combination of evergreen with a cold feeling, yet the fall color blurred in the background. Seems like an odd combination to me.

CC welcome
Metadata: 105mm, ISO 200, F.4.5, 1/160


Unknown said...

The colors, the shallow DOF, the lines, the composition... all amazing! The ONLY suggestion I would have would be to make the tip closest to the viewer your vocal point (the one in the center, left thirds position). Geez! You make me want a macro lens!!! Happy Shooting!!!

Jess said...

I love this... the colors are unexpected but they totally work. Your focus and composition are great!
I end up doing a lot of macros without a tripod as well (mostly because I don't have the time needed for an elaborate set up) and it is definitely a challenge. The breathing part is definitely important, I don't realize how much I hold my breath until I'm done and feel a little light headed... haha.

Mira Crisp said...

You did a great job for a hand-held macro shot! I know I wouldn't be able to be this steady. :)